Information and Communication Technology - ICT


Information and Communication Technology - ICT Some Abbreviation RPM = Rotation per Minute

DW = DVD Writer

OMR = Optical Mark Reader

SQL = Structured Query Language

LED = Light Emitting Diode

LCD = Liquid Crystal Display

ICT = Information and Communication Technology

MS = Microsoft

CTR = Click Through Rate

CPL = Cost Per Lead

CPI = Cost Per Impression

CPC = Cost Per Click

CPM = Cost Per Mile

RPM = Revenue per Mile

CPA = Cost Per Action

Some Keyboard Commends

Ctrl + A = All select

Ctrl + B = Bold

Ctrl + C = Copy

Ctrl + D = Font Setting

Ctrl + E = Center

Ctrl + F = Find

Ctrl + G = Go to page (Other page)

Ctrl + H = Replace

Ctrl + I = Italic

Ctrl + J = Justify

Ctrl + K = Hyperlink 

Ctrl + L = Left

Ctrl + M = Gap 

Ctrl + N = New page

Ctrl + O = File Open

Ctrl + P = Print

Ctrl + R = Right Side

Ctrl + S = Save

Ctrl + U = Underline

Ctrl + V = Paste

Ctrl + W = Close

Ctrl + X = Cut

Ctrl + Y = After

Ctrl + Z = Before

Some Operating SystemSoftware:

1.  Windows

2.  iOS

3.  Linux

4.  Macintosh

5.  Unix

Some Graphics Software:

1.  Adobe Photoshop

2.  Adobe InDesign

3.  Adobe Illustrator

4.  Sketch

5.  Affinity Designer

6.  CorelDRAW Graphics

7.  GIMF

 Some Antivirus Software : Information and Communication Technology - ICT

1. Kaspersky Antivirus

2. Avast Antivirus

3. Norton Antivirus

4. Avg Antivirus

5. Smadave Antivirus

6. Defender Antivirus

7. 360 Security

8. Escan

9. Eset

10. Avira Antivirus

Some Internet Browsing Software

1. Google Chrome

2. Mozilla FireFox

3. Microsoft Edge

4. Internet Explorer

5. Opera Browser

6. UC Browser

7. Safari Browser

8. Avant Browser

9. Yandex Browser

10. Duckduckgo browser

Some Office Software

1. MS Word

2. MS Excel

3. MS PowerPoint

4. MS Publisher

5. MS Outlook

6. MS Notepade

7. Office Suite

8. PDF Reader

9. PDF Writer

Some Search Engine









Some Computer language:

1. C Programming

2. C++

3. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

4. XML

5. JavaScript

6. Paython

7. PHP

8. Laravel

Some Software Design Software

1. Visual Basic

2. Visual Studio

3. Android Studio

4. RAD Studio

5. Embold

6. Collaborator

7. Studio 3T

8. Linx

9. Genexus

10. Zen Studio

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